
Roulette big winners
Roulette big winners

The 32-year-old sold all of his possessions including his BMW car, a Rolex watch and golf clubs, as well as all of his personal and sentimental items. The next day, despite the conversation having taken place while he was inebriated, the idea was set in Revell’s mind. In their drunken state, one friend mentioned the idea of betting everything on a single spin of the roulette wheel. The story of Ashley Revell started one night over drinks at a pub with his mates.

roulette big winners

How many of you would bet your life savings on red? Notoriously shy, it is reported that following his win, Ashley stood up and calmly said to the croupier “That’ll do me, thanks very much,” before collecting his winnings and walking away to the sounds of cheering from other punters. the ball falling on an odd number, betting on black, and betting it would fall on a number between one and 18. He walked away from the table just 15 minutes later with a staggering £1.3 million.Īshley placed a complex bet known as a complete bet which means he bet on every successful combination including the number 17 itself – i.e. The high-rolling gambler, the owner of the Newcastle United Football Club, was ranked as Britain’s 54th richest man at the time.Īshley headed to the exclusive Fifty London casino in Mayfair, where he placed a series of bets totaling £480,000 on his lucky number, 17. Perhaps gaining inspiration from Connery was billionaire Mike Ashley, who also cleaned up betting on the number 17 back in 2008.

roulette big winners

Wells died in Paris in 1922, penniless, but what a run he’d had. Wells’ luck did eventually catch up with him, losing all his winnings in the Casino de-Monte Carlo, while he was also arrested several times and served eight years behind bars for fraud. His exploits saw him become globally famous and he even inspired a song sung by Charles Coborn titled ‘The Man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo’. Wells headed to the Roulette tables and remarkably played the game clean, collecting over 1 million francs during a monster 11-hour gambling marathon.

roulette big winners roulette big winners

His story is hard to fathom, having taken £400 pounds from different investors at a time which he claimed was to fund a musical jump rope – but instead Wells pocketed the cash and set out to have some fun at the Casinos along the French Rivera. Whilst the term ‘breaking the bank’ at a casino doesn’t mean bankrupting it, it does mean winning every chip on the table which is an astonishing feat. Charles De Ville Wells is often regarded as being one of the greatest roulette cheaters of all time, and is well-known for being the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo back in 1891.

Roulette big winners